
Archive for August, 2009|Monthly archive page

no headbands, b

In gossip girl on August 31, 2009 at 2:50 pm

… you’re in college.


you know you love me, haha

xoxo HerTopazEyes

don’t think

In celebrities on August 31, 2009 at 1:27 pm

… at school, college, etc! here are some ingredients to a delicous afte-school-day:

the puppet pals and the mysteroius ticking noise

jb’s talking bout girls

bella’s REAL lullaby (song’s from yiruma “river flows in you”)

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you know you love me so why won’t you read me: the preps

In you know you love me so why won't you read me? on August 28, 2009 at 4:06 pm

her’s a sneek peak of my new book the preps (temporary title). have fun!

Chapter 1

Mareike Brandt

the preps

Until you’re mine

“I have a present for you. I hope, you like it.”Chad Knight pushed the small packing shyly over to his girlfriend Jemily Lovoto. Curiously she removed the purple wrapping paper. To the prelight came a small, cream-coloured box.

Jemily looked at Chad. “What’s that?“

Chad smiled. “Look after.” With a quiet “klick” she opened the box.She had a look at a small swarovski bracelet which was hidden in the gift box. It was a silver charm bracelet with a total of seventeen charms. Per year one. Jemily expelled a small joy shout. It made no difference to her at the moment that the whole café ,in which they are sitting, could hear them.

“Chad! It’s beautiful!!“ Jemily bent forward and kissed Chad.

Contently Chad took a gulp of his drink.”It’s not as nice as you.”

Flattered she looked at him. Jemily was glad that Chad is her boyfriend. After all the fights with the cheerleader  to get him, she thought. She took a look on her brown-gold chanel wristwatch and sighed. Compassionately Chad looked at her.

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reply to gossip girl from twitter

In celebrities on August 27, 2009 at 3:57 pm

RT @gossipgirl Gossip Girl loves #privatetheseries. Watch it on

jonas brothers live webcast on facebook from august 22

In celebrities, disney, jonas brothers on August 26, 2009 at 4:18 pm

for all of you, who couldnt watch the whole webcast, i present it now only for you!

part 1

part 2


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emma „hermione“ watson – from hogwarts to brown university

In celebrities, cinema, fashion on August 26, 2009 at 3:21 pm

we all knew emma watson from the “harry potter” movies. Since she’s eleven she’s playing the smart witch hermione granger. Also in real life emma watson is a clever person!

Secret # 1. University Choice

Amidst multiple speculations floating around Emma has finally confirmed her university choice.

Previously she often stated she wasn’t sure what school and college to choose but now she seems certain and happy about her choice.

Ivy League say hello to Emma Watson!

Last week Watson’s co-star Daniel Radcliffe spilled the beans saying the girl was going to attend Brown University. It took her about a week to confirm the report:

I am [off] to Brown, which is an Ivy League establishment in the U.S.A. I’ve got a place there to read literature.” Read the rest of this entry »

jackson rathbone trailer

In celebrities, cinema, new moon cast on August 23, 2009 at 3:20 pm

I’d told you once about Rathbone’s new movie Avatar- The last Airbender. Here is one teaser trailer and here is one of my fav. ones, because its really informatic (And  Jackson  appears at 2:26 🙂

On november 17th another film from “Jasper” cames into theatres: hurt. its a horror/thriller. Click here to see the movie trailer. I cant wait till it comes out! It seems really good 🙂

xo HerTopazEyes

gossip.girl updates

In celebrities, gossip girl on August 21, 2009 at 11:11 am

blake lively (S) recently spoke with glamour magazine about her objections to having now real-life boyfriend penn badgley (lonely boy)as a castmate when the series first started up in 2007.

lively tells, “at first i was so upset that they hired him. i actually poisoned the whole cast against him. but then they noticed that he wasn’t a jerk and was actually a really nice, charming person.”

charming like B, isnt she?

not so charming was a rumours about a sex tape, staring… leightoon meester (queen B)!

“[the tape] is not real,so it makes me sort of sad. it’s unfortunate that it got carried as far as it did. i definitely understand the nature of people better now and that the mere allegation of something like that could be headline news. people think it’s real because somebody says it is. by the way, [as for] me being 18 in those pictures, i don’t believe i was.”, so meester tells the fashion mag.

but back to lonely boy actor penn badgley!  penn will be starring in a new movie called “easy a” along side amanda bynes. the story is partially inspired by the novel the scarlet letter and tells the story of a high school girl who after being ostracized by a false rumor that she’s loose, uses the rumor mill to her advantage, pitting puritanical students and teachers against their liberal counterparts. we’ll be exited.

soo…what about new pictures from our fav. tv show?

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the new faces of new moon

In celebrities, new moon, twilight-series on August 20, 2009 at 1:55 pm

for all of you, who not really know who’s playing who in new moon, here’s a little list:

“precious child stars, seasoned thespians and überpretty newbies hop aboard the twilight express.

dakota fanning as jane

“it’s really, really cool to be part of this!” the hollywood vet, 15, tells us, adding that she was “a big fan” of the books before being cast. as a member of the volturi (the ancient, aristocratic coven that rules the vampire world from italy), girlish jane wields psychic power to inflict pain- as she does upon edward. her look? “evil red ridinh hood”, cracks costar michael sheen (whos playing aro, added by me)

charlie bewley as demetri

a loyal enforcer of vampire law, “demetri is a jesus amongst [volturi] guards”, the handsome british newcomer, 28, has said of his debut. “he has unparalleled tracking abilities togehther with insane strength, speed and classiness. clearly, this guy takes no prisoners. well, he does, before tearing them limb from limb.”

noot seear as heidi

a candian supermodel (she’s done campaigns for armani, calvin klein and yves saint laurent), seear. 25, plays a stunningly beautiful volturi hunter. her duty: to lure human victims (food!) for the royal vampire clan. 90210’s annalynne maccord (as naomi clark, added by me) was reportedly the seductive role.

michael sheen as aro

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go going gone…

In celebrities on August 20, 2009 at 8:29 am

since yesterday my tiberties are over. i can look back at ten days were i could do what i want do (when i was back from work), days full of joy, internet and sleepless because of ive gone really late to bed.

but now my parents and my brothers are home. now our house is filled with screamys,  joy- and hurtful ones, commandos besides my parents and to menton it now, the parental control is back. i had to get up today at 9 am! if i would be alone i would get up at 11am or later…because i dont have to work. what is good, because today’ll the hottest day of the whole year (in germany of course)

yesterday a friend of mine comes home from a america visit and she brought the american vogue for me, because i asked her for that. i have to say, most of all, the american vogue is filled withadvertisement! well, i like the advertisement for gabbana, mara and so on…but you have to flick through 10 pages before youi can read the inventar of the magazin? seriously? and between every page there’s a dopple-page filled with prada or gucci clothes…

i wish you’ll have a hot day like me

xoxo mara